Well, that went by fast! Tonight sees the end of Season 3 of Blood on the Severn and the conclusion to the whole chronicle. Carlos ended things in a delicate situation, with a bunch of vampires trapped on a boat in the middle of the ocean with an angry Teach* losing himself to the beast. I'm sure it will all be fine...
There's still Rose**, the Society of Leopold and Obassi to deal with so it promises to be a jam packed session! And that's not to mention the possible ressurection of our lord and saviour***. See you at 7pm UK time live on Twitch.
*Teach = elder Brujah who is already scary in frenzy but will also be getting bonus scare points thanks to our house rules****
**aka Evil Orphan Annie
***Kupala, of course!
****He gets his bane severity in extra dots added to his physical stats