We were absolutely blown away by the support and interest episode 1 received, with our highest Twitch viewer count ever! A big thank you to everyone who came along to watch, and to Scratticus (@Scratticus_) for the raid.
If you haven't yet seen them, the character preludes are now all up on YouTube for you to enjoy, where you can learn a bit about the characters before they became vampires.
The Relationship Map for Blood on the Tamesis has gone digital. The plan is to put it on the website soon* so that you can check it out at your leisure. We'll also update the map from session to session so it keeps pace with the chronicle. We're using Cedar's (@whhhimp) character portraits for the players but we'd like to use Fan Art for the SPCs. We've had our first Fan Art for Finn (sire of Silas) from Manouk (@Manoukjuh) and already added it to the map.

Talking of things coming soon, the next episode of Kindred Academy is on its way. This one deals with Clan Nosferatu and will include the usual mix of history, observations, and sample character concepts for you to enjoy.
I hear whispers of memes circulating the Disaster Ghoul Discord** but as Mitch*** has forbidden me from going there, I can only dream of their wonder. Luckily, Hidda (@hidda_wtf) posted this one on Twitter, and I LOVE it! I'm really, really hoping this becomes a thing.

The new coterie have now met and been sent on their first task. See how they fare, and if they satisfy the Gatekeeper tomorrow, at 7pm UK time on Twitch!
*Like really soon. Hopefully by Episode 2...
***For those of you who were wondering, we have now let Mitch go home.