We at Blood on the Tamesis stand by the #BlackLivesMatter movement, wholly and without reserve, and in support of this we will show solidarity by going dark tonight. We’ll be appearing briefly to promote certain charities we’re backing and to suggest places to start for those who want to learn more. We would like it very much if the time you would normally spend with us tonight was spent supporting black content creators instead.
In the meantime, here are some black content creators to check out on Twitter if you haven’t already:
Critical Bard @CriticalBard
Krystina Arielle @KrystinaArielle
Gabe James @gabejamesgames
Honey and Dice @honeyanddice
Brandon @swordsfall1
Michael Sinclair II @michaelcrits
Tanya DePass @cypheroftyr
And if there's anything else you'd like us to do, please let us know.