Observant ones amongst you will have noticed we've changed the way we run our breaks for Season 3. That's because we realised that the way we were doing things before didn't provide an actual break for the storyteller, players or audience*. A consequence of this is that we haven't been fielding questions or discussion during sessions.
But we like talking to you! So to compensate for this we're going to have a hangout session on Monday to talk about the chronicle, the characters, what's happened so far, and what the players are aiming and hoping for during the final 5 sessions. Of course we will also talk about vampires and role playing** in general and the chances of going off topic are high...
We'd like the discussions to be led by you. So if you have questions or topics you'd like us to explore, please let Mitch know via our discord. Looking forward to seeing you 7pm UK time, live on Twitch.
* Yes, it has taken us a year and a half to realise this.
** And, knowing us, cheese, chocolate, stroopwafels, and soap