We went to Dragonsmeet this weekend. It's an rpg convention where you can meet fellow gamers, play games, enjoy topical panels, and be tempted by a dazzling array of books, dice and cool apparel.
As we wandered about, we met loads of cool creative people, far too many to include in one post. But here's a few to get us started: Mysterious agents from Black Cats Gaming approached us early on, and we took part in a some spy training. Afterwards we were left with more questions than answers (as they wanted, I'm sure!), but expect to hear more from them on the subject of spies, subterfuge, and intrigue based shenanigans on Kickstarter in 2019. If this tickles your fancy, check out : www.blackcatsgaming.com
Up To 4 Players have a Kickstarter running right now(!) for an rpg set in the world of the Crystal Heart Webcomic. It uses the Savage Worlds System and looks to be lots of fun. The artwork is fab too! For more info (and a great webcomic) go to: www.uptofourplayers.com
On the subject of good artwork, we talked to the lovely people at Arclands, who are creating a new world for 5e players to explore, with new classes, races, a completely new magic system, and merits and flaws that tie into your character's place of origin. Find out more at www.Arclands.Online
And then there's Nibiru, a roleplaying game set in a space station where characters are generated during play using an innovative memory system. This sounds like the perfect game for people who enjoy narrative driven rpgs. They've also got a Kickstarter running right now(!) so head on down if you want to know more.
(Much) more to follow in our next post!