The 1772 Memoriam is behind us now. Big thanks to the players, Pedro, Blaire, Nat and Mitch, for adding some fun* new twists to the history of Vampiric Oxfordshire. Great characters and really fun dynamics between them. Kirstie did a fantastic job with the art for Andres, Abigail, Frances, and Thomas.
The last of our Memoriam one shots is coming on Monday, featuring three new players and even MOAR Mitch**, who is reprising his role of Sir Thomas de la Moore one last time. This time we're playing in 1962, where the Toreador have been summoned to a family gathering. What could possibly go wrong?
Find out by joining us live on Twitch, at 7pm UK time!
*This is Storyteller speak for tragic. And tragic is just right for a game like this. :D
**Return of the Mitch? The Dark Mitch Rises? The Mitch: Revolutions?