Last session was dedicated to the dramatic events of one night and it still isn't over! There were many fun moments and one of them was captured by the fabulous Kirstie, where Kirstagg joined Silas on his bike as they started the hunt.
A new story vote is up that will impact events in Season 3 Session 4 (aka next session), so get voting if you haven't already!
And join us tomorrow to see the climax of the hunt for Amago, the sneaky business that Velvet's involved in, and whatever shenanigans Joanne has been up to. We're live on Twitch at 7pm UK time.
Season 3, Episode 3 Recap:
After some preparation, the group that were hunting Amago assembled at the coterie's haven. There were three knights of Oxfordshire: Hulda, Enolf, and Kirstagg, and a number of other kindred: Meliore, Ysabelle, Cheng Li, Ôta, Finn, Seth, Theodore and Silas.
The Northern Vehme were contacted, and it was clear that Jasmine, the Northern Gatekeeper, would not be happy at such a large group charging uninvited through her domain. Luckily, Amago's trail ran south. Unluckily, it took them out of Oxfordshire, and beyond Hulda, the Southern Gatekeeper's domain. She took her leave of the group.
At the border to reading, they were met by a Ventrue called David, who challenged their entry to Helena's domain. Seth soon got bored of this and shot David, which suited Theodore, who quickly finished the job, bringing final death.
Meanwhile, Velvet contacted his band of rebels; Adam, Brick, Soap and Barnaby, to take advantage of the opportunity to go after Wallace. Before he pursue things further however, he was approached by Matthew Smith, the childe of Ser Frances. He wanted to cash in his boon with Velvet and be got out of the country immediately. Velvet made the arrangements and sent him to America. In return, he warned Velvet that Ser Frances is coming after the Toreador of Oxfordshire, as she blames them for Drogo's death.
Amago's trail led to a bottle factory and a showdown between the hunting party and Amago's followers. Silas brings out his inner strength to drive the mortals away in terror, and Theodore brings out his inner darkness such that Melliore can use it to crush their enemies. The hunting party wins out, but not before Kirstagg is set on fire, and she and Finn flee the scene in frenzy. Sir Enolf and Ysabelle fail to arrive and join the fight at this time. As the conflict comes to a close, they hear a helicopter on the roof and rush to stop Amago's escape.
Wallace is going to Sir Enolf's haven, and Velvet reveals its location to Brick so the Nosferatu can spy on his sire (gaining some stains in the process). Velvet then contacts the others in his group and has them be ready.
On the rooftop, Silas faces off against Amago and things go badly. His attack does little to the elder, and he is then forced to fall on his own sword. Being kindred, Silas survives, but only just. Seth arrives to help and they attack together, but Seth has his legs cut off in a single stroke. With Silas barely hanging on, Theodore and the others reach the roof, and the final showdown begins...
Velvet passes his remorse roll.