Last week's session saw a little bit of religious discussion between Janusz and Diarmuid and quite a lot of Teach scaring Caleb. The coterie now have a new lead in their investigation, and Nanjizal has learned that Matilda is in debt to Caleb's sire, Obassi*.
If you are supporting us on Patreon at $5+, there is some art made with love** on its way to you. Big thanks to those of you who have stuck with us through these interesting times, and a big hello to those of you who have just joined us. Welcome! Also, we have our first ever prince on the Discord: All hail Prince David! We look forward to seeing what he does to the chronicle with his newfound powers...
Talking of the chronicle, it's nearly time to vote*** for (or against) Matilda. That means there's a party going on in Bedminster next session and even old Tzimisce are invited**** to strut their funky stuff. Also, the coterie will be doing a bit of light interrogation with a neonate Gangrel. Find out who dances and who confesses on Monday at 7pm UK time, live on Twitch.
*Who remains the creepiest of the SPCs. Ugh.
**But not skill. Phil is keen for you to know that this is the first time he's picked up a pencil and drawn something since he was at school.
***If you're an Anarch who lives in the area. Or not an Anarch and live in the area. Or you're an Anarch and you live nearby. Or you're the leader of a non-Anarch domain that is neighbours the Anarch domain. Anarchs are complicated.
****They only come if they're invited. Worst gatecrashing clan ever.