And so, after a year and a bit, the chronicle of Blood on the Thames has come to an end. A big thank you to Tidus for doing such an amazing job of bringing all of those SPCs to life, and making lots of people very tense on a weekly basis! There's a lot of work* that goes behind the scenes, so this also seems like a good time to mention our tireless Tech Ghouls, Mitch, Callum, and the Dylan, who keep us afloat every week. Thanks guys!
And of course, you, our beloved Disaster Ghouls. We never expected you to be so awesome but you have been! We absolutely love the community** that's grown up around us over this year, from the fan art, to the fan fiction, to the theories about soap, it's been a real joy to see friendships and new games forming around us.
But, as you know, the world of Blood on the Thames will live on! We're hard at work filming and plotting in order to get everything ready for the new chronicle: Blood on the Tamesis.
And of course, Kindred Academy will continue (Episode 5: Clan Gangrel came out last week in case you missed it), and there's other, sillier stuff in the works too...
On Monday we'll be airing the never before seen Blood on the Thames Episode 0. Otherwise known as the 'lost episode', it shows the first meeting of the coterie and their presentation to the Prince. The cast and crew will be hanging out in chat so we can all take a trip down memory lane together. Hope to see you there on Monday at 7pm (UK time)!
*Often thankless
**Also props to Mitch for maintaining the Disaster Ghoul Discord*** and for all of his work as our Community Manager