There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes at the moment as we prepare for the end of one chronicle and the beginning of another. Most of it I can't tell you about yet or terrible, terrible things will be done to me. However, I can say that, as of today, we've confirmed the cast for Blood on the Tamesis, which will include some players you know (and love, hopefully!) and some new blood that we're very excited about. More on this soon!
If you're one of our Patrons, it's worth going to our Patreon as I've updated the information regarding SPC and art rewards. I know some of you are waiting for Blood on the Tamesis to begin before diving in with these, which is all good. Thanks to those of you who have already responded, Peter is mulling your suggestions with an ST's smile...

And of course things are getting real(er) in Blood on the Thames. Sarah has joined the coterie, Plucky Jake has revealed all to Moses*, and Benjamin** is preparing to go on the road trip of his unlife. See you on Monday at the usual time and place for Episode 37.
*This is as terrifying as you imagine
**For those of you in chat, I'm delighted to see #benforprince is still going strong