Given current events, we've taken the decision to not stream on Monday. Instead, we'll be hosting other streams throughout the week in support of Black Lives Matter. Pop into our Twitch channel whenever you can!
In terms of our own content: A Manchester Requiem will be concluding on Monday 22nd June, and then we'll be starting Season 3 of Blood on the Tamesis* on the 29th June.
Until then, here are some more cool content creators to check out:
LaTia Jacquise @theladytiefling - General ttrpg content. Rivals of Waterdeep (which streams on D&Ds twitch channel)
What’s Eric Playing? @whatseplaying - Reviews board games and other things
Mandi H @boardgamerpinup - Hosts "To Die For Games", a show teaching people hwo to play board games step by step
Raquel Skellington @RaquelSkelling - LARPer, posts really nice photos in costume Orion Black @DungeonCommandr - Game designer currently working for Wizards of the Coast
Chris Spivey @Darker_Hue - Game designer and writer
B Dave Walters @BDaveWalters - 'Victor' on LA by Night. 'Freely' on Silver and Steel. Writer for D&D (A Darkened Wish)
*Remember that game? Vampire knights? Lovesick Elders? Downtrodden Toreador? Don't worry if not, we've got a plan to help jog people's memories. More on that soon.