Last week, we were a bit distracted by the cake, and while we regret nothing, it meant that we didn't show off the cool stuff that you'd been doing. Let's rectify that now.
Cake aside, we're still knee deep in plans for the future which involve a whole spectrum of things from kit to new content, as well as gearing up for Book 4, which starts on the 1st July.
The 1st of July is also the day we're going to do the draw so, for the penultimate time, I'm going to shout about the Wayward Leather giveaway. If you'd like to win, you can enter our draw by supporting the Blood on the Thames Patreon. And you get an additional draw for each other person you persuade to join.
If you're part of our Discord, you may have noticed some odd votes going on. All* will become clear soon. If you're not part of our Discord, JOIN OUR DISCORD!
Lastly, Rachel is taking on commissions at the moment. She's done such incredible work for us, and now she could for you too. If you're not familiar with her style check out her artstation.
See you next week, where we will probably** have some news to share.
*Well, at least 50%
**About 85% likely at time of writing