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The night that never ends


Last session saw another session of drama as we focus in on one night's action in detail. And the good news is, it's not over yet as we managed another cliffhanger ending, this time with Velvet's unlife on the line. There's a full synopsis of Episode 4 at the end of this post.

As we approach the midseason break* and the end of a very eventful night, we have one coterie member in torpor, one in hiding, one fighting for his life, and one balanced precariously between victory and falling to the beast. Find out who falls and who might get back up again, tomorrow at 7pm UK time live on Twitch!

*We'll be announcing our plans for the midseason break during Episode 5



Season 3 Episode 4

Velvet warns Joanne that Ser Frances is coming for her line. They evacuate the haven and go to the Velvet's flat, picking up Barnaby on the way. They learn that Kelly has already left the city, but Alistair has not yet gone. They attempt to contact him but have no success.

Velvet also gets a call from Mr Whispers who is desperately trying to reach Silas. She says that if he is in Reading, he needs to get out now!

As it happens, Silas is in Reading, standing on the roof of a bottle factory and engaged in combat with Amago Takahisa. He is on the edge of torpor and so releases his inner rage and lets the beast take over (stains incoming on this one). He is able to injure Amago further, but is shot down by Naoto before he can finish the job.

Amago continues to fight with Seth, Theodore, Meliore, Ôta and Cheng Li, and is eventually blown backwards (by Seth and Theodore) towards the helicopter that Meliore tips over, hacking him to pieces on the blades. Theodore executes Naoto as he climbs from the helicopter and takes Amago's swords as a trophy. However the police are now on their way, and ahead of them are two unmarked black vans.

As the Oxfordshire kindred flee, Meliore is shot through the chest and winched into one of the vans. Theodore manages to lose the other van but only with the Beast's help (stains incoming), and his car barely makes it back in one piece.

Meanwhile Velvet gathers his allies to make a move against Wallace. He asks Joanne to help but she elects to stay behind and protect Dhruti (who is potentially at risk from Ser Frances as well). Velvet, Adam, Barnaby, Brick and Soap all meet outside Enolf's haven, where Wallace has been doing strange things.

Velvet goes in and provokes Wallace, while the others take advantage and attack him. There is a messy fight, complicated by a series of bear traps that Wallace has placed. We leave things with Wallace injured (a beartrap stuck to one leg) and reaching for Velvet, teeth bared. Barnaby pulling himself off Wallace's sabre, Soap missing a leg below the knee, and Brick somewhere in the darkness. Adam is sensibly out of the fight, for now...

Joanne texts Amanda to say she is ready to claim her reward from Prince Helena. Then Dhruti persuades her they'd be safer under her clan's protection. The two leave Velvet's flat and hide under a church, where Brujah elders are having a strained if polite debate about what to do next.


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