Is it a war room? Is it a games room? The debate has raged on for months. Lines have been drawn. Terrible things have been said and, for a time, death seemed to be the only solution. Luckily, a mysterious* benefactor has provided the means for both sides to be correct: a beautiful and reversible sign! We offer our thanks to this wonderful person for bringing this bitter war to a peaceful conclusion.
Meanwhile, in Blood on the Severn, things continue apace. Carl is high on life**, waxing lyrical about death*** and having visions of a Blood Queen. Janusz and Matilda are getting along better**** and receiving messages in the water about a kindred killer. Meanwhile, Nanjizal is embracing her inner snake***** and corrupting what's left of Carl's soul.
The Coterie have made great strides towards uncovering some of the mysteries of Bristol, but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. To find out just how dangerous, come join us on Monday at 7pm UK time, live on Twitch for Season 2, Episode 3 of Blood on the Severn.
*And generous and talented.
**Other people's mostly
***Death. ‘Nother death among the undying.
We all chase the sensation of a life
Death. We die, but not for want of trying
To stretch living, but our scent of death is rife.
A flower wilts, ink fades upon a page
Reminders of inevitable ending
We fight, we deny, we ignore, we rage
But with death there is no contending
Even for us, that may seem undying
Time must take, memories must fade
Within her embrace we will be lying
Until her own charon must be paid
For even time herself must die at last
No present, no future, even no past.
****Apart from when they're not!
*****Not a euphemism