Hello again! After a couple of weeks tucked away in our havens, we're back with a brand new chronicle: Blood on the Severn. On Monday, there's going to be a special episode that will introduce each of the player characters individually through prelude scenes and character monologues (lovingly shot and produced by Mitch and (the) Dylan). It also features more guest players than I can count*!
There's also been a lot of work going on behind the scenes to try and raise production standards, improve the way we work, and experiment with new ideas. More on that soon but we wanted to say a huge thank you to all of the art and production teams. We're very much looking forward to seeing the fruits of your labours over the coming weeks.
So please come and join us on Monday to meet the new coterie, and see what excitements Carlos has in store for everyone at 7pm UK time, live on Twitch.
*To be fair I can't count that high, but it's a lot, trust me!