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  • sethier1

When the going gets tough, the vampires get dancing!

Dhruti and Joanne dancing, by Kirstie (@Kirstie_1999). For vampires, this is really very wholesome. I love it!

Thanks to everyone who joined us for our hang out stream on Monday. It was lovely to see you all and talk about the joys of V5. And congratulations to somegurk for winning the Herald's Coin in our giveaway.

Over the next three weeks, Carlos will be running one shots set in our version of the WoD, in Bristol aka 'Blood on the Severn - Beginnings'. These one-shots will help form the canon for Blood on the Severn, and flesh out the history and characters who made Bristol what it is in modern nights. Carlos asked if you wanted to join him and play, and the response was both swift and full of gory promise. We've now filled all of our available slots for players for all three games, and are delighted with the concepts you've put forward.

Anne asking Velvet to ask her to dance! By Kirstie (@Kirstie_1999)

Each one shot will focus on a different faction within Vampiric Bristol, and is set during a different era. They'll also have different Chronicle Tenets. The first group will be playing a Camarilla coterie in 1645 who are sounding truly awesome already. The tenets for this chronicle are:

- My faction, right or wrong

- Respect Christianity and obey its moral laws

- Obey authority

Join us at 7pm UK time on Twitch to see how the all-Disaster-Ghoul-all-fabulous coterie get on!

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